PayKun Payment Gateway Integration using PHP

PayKun Payment Gateway Integration using PHP

PayKun Payment Gateway supports all the major available platforms with its ready Plugins and SDKs, which makes it very easy to integrate. It is the best payment gateway option in India and also it is the cheapest and very cost-effective.

This article will provide simple and effective guidance on how to integrate PayKun in PHP.

Steps to integrate PayKun Payment Gateway

Step 1: PayKun Payment Gateway Registration

Register on PayKun from here and get access to the Sandbox Login which can be used for the testing purpose after the signing up of the PayKun Merchant Account. (Please note that for the Live Mode the account needs to be verified, approved and activated by PayKun)

PayKun Payment Gateway Integration

Step 2: Access Sandbox Mode

After signing up, you may generate the test mode credentials and the API Encryption Key to access the testing Sandbox Mode.

PayKun Payment Gateway Integration
PayKun Payment Gateway Integration using PHP
  • You need to set: isLive=false in your integration kit.
  • If you have generated API Key before then you will see the date of the API Key generated, since you will not be able to retrieve the old API Key (For security reasons) we have provided the re-generate option, so you can re-generate API Key in case you have lost the old one.
  • Note: Once you re-generate API Key your old API Key will stop working immediately. So be cautious while using this option.

Step 3: You can download the Paykun zip file from here

Step 4: Open the demo/request.php file and create the same type of custom form like the one given there.

Step 5: Fill your custom form by entering your credentials like merchant_id, Access_token, Encryption_key and required configuration and then redirect it on submit.php file.

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