Difference beetween GET and POST methods in PHP

GET: Parameters remain in browser history because they are part of the URL Can be bookmarked. GET method should not be used when sending passwords or other sensitive information. 7607 character maximum size. Example: http://www.test.com/index.htm?name1=value1&name2=value2

POST: Parameters are not…

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Echo VS Print Statement

ECHO: echo and print are more or less the same. echo() and print() are language constructs in PHP, both are used to output strings. The speed of both statements is almost the same. echo() can take multiple expressions Example:

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Jquery for Datetime Picker


Hello, In this post we will learn jquery script for date time picker at textbox of any project in which we want to use select dateTime option.

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How to create first HTML Page


step-1: First, Open your text editor and create a new text file, then type something like this:

Step-2: After this save the page like: my_page.html Step-3: find the file you just created and open it with your browser (double-click,…

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