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How to Import and Export CSV File using PHP and MySql

Import CSV Data into Database

Import and Export include is extremely helpful for the information the board segment. The Import usefulness enables the client to transfer and embed numerous information in the database. Utilizing the Import include, the mass information can be embedded in the database on a solitary snap. The fare usefulness enables the client to download the table information rundown and spare in a document for disconnected use. Utilizing the Export include, various records can be downloaded in a document position.

For the most part, the CSV document position is utilized to import and fare information in the web application. CSV (comma-isolated qualities) record stores the information in plain content configuration and moves information between projects. The import and fare usefulness can be effectively actualized with a CSV document utilizing PHP and MySQL. Import CSV record information in database/Export information to CSV document both can be incorporated with PHP and MySQL. In this instructional exercise, we will tell you the best way to import and fare CSV record information in database utilizing PHP and MySQL.

Make Database Table

To store the part’s information, a table should be made in the database. The following SQL query makes an users table with some essential fields in the MySQL database.

In the example import and export script, the following functionality will be implemented.

Create Database Configuration File (dbconfig.php)

The dbconfig.php is used to connect the database. Specify the database host ($dbHost), username ($dbUsername), password ($dbPassword), and name ($dbName) as per your MySQL database credentials.

Create main file to Upload CSV Fileand Download (index.php)

Create ( importcsvfile.php ) to Import CSV Data into Database

Create ( exportcsvfile.php ) to Export Data into CSV File

The exportcsvfile.php file handles the data export process using PHP and MySQL.

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