Distance calculator between two places using google map API in php

Distance calculator between two places using google map API in php

Hello! In this post, you will learn how to calculate distance between two places using google map API in php.Here you will calculate by air distance between two countries. See below ..how to do it.

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How to write connection class to mysql database using php

Hello! In this post, you will learn to how to write and test the OOP based connection class to mysql database using php. see below..how to do it.. connection.php

Now you have create the database connection class let’s see…

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PHP Array Function

Here is the list of PHP array functions sizeof () :- This function is used to count the items of the array. (count() is also used instead of this).   Example:  

explode () :- This function is used…

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How to show image thumbnail before upload with jQuery

image thumbnail

Now, i am going to Share: How to show image thumbnail before upload with jQuery Step 1:- Put the following code in <body></body> section.

Step 2:- Put the script code in <head></head> section.

Step 3:- Put following CSS…

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